Power App Solutions for Climate Issues

Many Technovation participants have a deep interest in solving climate issues. Many teams decide to work on apps to help solve climate issues, and some of our Technovation alumnae have teamed up to solve climate-related SDGs.

They want to share some of their technical expertise with you as you embark on your own app solutions.

Check out their solutions below!

Click on each app icon to learn more and follow the tutorial.

dropin logo
SDG 6: Clean Water
Option A logo
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption
WE Heroes logo
SDG 13: Climate Action
Microplastic Mayhem logo
SDG 14: Life Under Water
SDG 15: Life on Land


dropin’ is an app that displays protected water areas on a map. Laura’s written Thunkable tutorial shows you how to use Google Sheets and Map/Marker components to display location-based information on a map in your app.

This is a great way to crowdsource shared location-based information in an app!

tutorial for dropin app screenshot

Option A

Option A uses cloud data and incorporates images and videos in a data grid using Thunkable. Ana and Zhibek displayed vintage fashion videos  in their responsible consumption app. In the video, they show you how to allow app users to select and view videos from a list.

WE Heroes

WE Heroes incorporates external website data using an Application Programming Interface (API) in MIT App Inventor. Arlen and Giovanna used the IUCN Redlist API to display endangered species information in their app.

Microplastic Mayhem

Microplastic Mayhem includes a leaderboard so users can gain points and compete against friends by collecting nurdles (small microplastic particles found near waterways). 

Neki Nature

Neki Nature by Avril provides information to users about endangered species in Mexico. Learn how to use a Data Viewer Grid and Google Sheets in your Thunkable app to display information but also allows for more versatility to add more data to the app.