What is AI?

This video will get you thinking about artificial intelligence, and how to tell whether something is AI or not.

Let’s play a game to see if we can tell what uses AI… and why!


For each example, choose which one uses AI … and why! 

Base your answers on the questions below.

  • Does it understand or sense things?
  • Can it learn over time?
  • Can it make decisions?
  • Can it interact with humans?
  • Can it do it on its own or is it following commands?


Pick which one you think uses AI.

This alarm clock is set to go off every morning at 6:30am.

alarm clock

This smartwatch can recognize voice commands, monitor your activities and health and give you updates on your day.

This alarm clock is set to go off every morning at 6:30am. 

alarm clock

This smartwatch can recognize voice commands, monitor your activities and health and give you updates on your day.   AI



Pick which one you think uses AI.


dog being vacuumed


cat riding a roomba

Vacuum not AI

dog being vacuumed

Roomba  AI

cat riding a roomba

The Roomba learns the layout of the room and uses that information to plan its best course.


Pick which one you think uses AI.

Remote controlled cards

remote controlled cars racing

BMW i3 parking assistant

auto-assist car parking
image courtesy car-rev-daily.com

Remote controlled cars not AI

remote controlled cars racing

BMW i3 parking assistant  AI

auto-assist car parking

The BMW i3 uses AI to back the car into small spaces by using sensing and image recognition.


Pick which one you think uses AI.

Prosthetic that responds to user’s thoughts

man lifting objects with prosthetic arm

Prosthetic that responds to user’s movement

woman dancing with prosthetic leg

Prosthetic that responds to user’s thoughts  AI

man lifting objects with prosthetic arm

The prosthetic learns how to perform movement based on brain signals.

Prosthetic that responds to user’s movement  not AI

woman dancing with prosthetic leg


Pick which one you think uses AI.

Email predictor

Spell checker

spell checker

Email predictor  AI

predictive text

The email predictor learns what usually comes next when certain words are written.

Spell checker  not AI


This video shows how AI can help people in many ways. It also shows how AI can be harmful to humans in some ways