Mobile game apps are really fun and can be a great way to educate users about big problems!
This is what the game looks like when finished.
Ocean Plastic Cleanup
You will learn a lot about the Canvas and ImageSprite components in the video, but if you want to skip the video and get right to coding, you can load the template file in App Inventor.
Learn to place the ImageSpritate on the Canvas in code blocks.
Here comes the fun part – getting the ImageSprites to move through the ocean!
In this last video, check who gets there first – the diver or the fish!
You made a mobile app game and learned all about conditional blocks. You also got practice with making a procedure which is really useful when coding!
What ways can you improve or add to the OceanPlasticCleanup game?
Try adding one new feature – an animated plastic bottle, multiple fishes, sounds…
What else can you add?