Marketing Kit for Chapter & Club Ambassadors

Marketing Kit  for Chapter & Club Ambassadors Empower girls to change the world through technology. The templates available on this page will help you grow a Technovation Girls movement in your region. Click the category on the left side to get to a list of materials you’re looking for.  Brand Materials Brand Guidelines & Assets […]

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Mentor Training 1: What is Technovation Girls?

MISSION POSSIBLE: Empower 25 Million Female Future-Shapers We empower girls to become leaders, technology innovators and real-world problem solvers around the world. 0 girls registered in 2024 0 + countries represented by students and volunteers in 2024 0 + tech-based solutions submitted in 2024 The world is missing out on powerful ideas by excluding half […]

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Business Plan

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL … Learn about the different parts of a business plan Plan and write your business plan ACTIVITIES These are the activities for this lesson: Activity: Plan & Write your Business Plan THE BUSINESS PLAN A business plan is a proposal about how you will run your entire company. It is […]

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Mentor Resources

Mentor Resources Empower girls to change the world through technology. The resources available on this page will help you support Technovation Girls teams to complete the program, submit their project, and develop new skills. Click on a category to get to a list of helpful materials related to that category. Getting Started Expand Check out […]

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Entrepreneurship 6: Marketing your Project

Marketing Your Project Entrepreneurship 6 Developing a marketing plan is one part of earning maximum points in the Business Plan section of the rubric for Senior division and User Adoption Plan section for the Junior Division. It can also help with future goals. In this lesson, you will… Learn what marketing is Use this worksheet […]

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Mentor Training: Prepare for your First Meeting

PREPARE FOR YOUR FIRST TEAM MEETING IN 5 STEPS​ Pick a location/online platform to meet Create an agenda Review the activities Keep your team informed Get excited! USE THIS RESOURCE TO PREPARE FOR YOUR FIRST MEETING The Mentor Curriculum will be your best resource to prepare for your first, and all future meetings!  The Mentor […]

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Entrepreneurship 7: Calculating Revenue

Calculating Revenue Entrepreneurship 7 Calculating your revenue is one part of earning maximum points in the financial plans line of the rubric. It can also help with setting future goals for your project. In this lesson, you will… Learn about different ways to make money for your app Calculate how much revenue your business will make […]

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Submission Guidelines: Russian

Руководство по подаче документов Крайний срок: 24 апреля 2024 года в 17:00 PDT / 25 апреля в 1:00 WAT / 2:00 CEST / 5:00 IST На этой странице перечислено все, что необходимо сделать для успешного участия в глобальном конкурсе. Мы рекомендуем вам внимательно прочитать его! Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь также с правилами внизу страницы. Просмотрите эти рекомендации […]

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Submission Guidelines: French

Directives de soumission Date limite : 24 avril 2024 à 17h00 PDT / 25 avril à 1h00 WAT / 2h00 CEST / 5h00 IST Cette page énumère tout ce que vous devez faire pour soumettre avec succès votre projet à la compétition mondiale. Nous vous recommandons de le lire attentivement! Veuillez également lire les règles […]

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Submission Guidelines Spanish

Instrucciones para presentar los entregables Fecha límite de entrega: 24 de abril de 2024 a las 5pm PDT / 25 de abril a la 1am WAT / 2am CEST / 5:30am IST Estas son las instrucciones para preparar todo lo que hay que presentar al final. ¡Recomendamos leerlo atentamente así como los requisitos al final […]

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