Minimum Viable Product

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL … Learn what a minimum viable product is and why it is important Choose the most important features of your project to build first ACTIVITIES These are the activities for this lesson: Activity: Plan your MVP MVP Now that you have an idea for your project and a problem statement, […]

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Planning your Project

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL … Create a project canvas Set a timeline and a plan for your project ACTIVITIES These are the activities for this lesson: Activity: Project Canvas PLANNING TIPS It’s time to outline your plan for the remainder of the project. It will help you stay organized and be successful in completing […]

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Marketing your Product

SENIOR DIVISION ONLY! IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL … Learn what marketing is Make a plan for more people to use your app through marketing Develop the marketing plan section of your Business Plan Try out some of your marketing ideas and revise your marketing plan ACTIVITIES These are the activities for this lesson: Activity […]

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Variables and Lists in Thunkable

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL … Learn how to use variables to store data within an app Learn how to organize data into lists Use variables and lists in an app ACTIVITIES These are the activities for this lesson: Activity: Complete the Quiz App STORING DATA When you code an app, there usually is some […]

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Marketing to Users

JUNIOR DIVISION ONLY! IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL … Learn what marketing is Make a plan for more people to use your app through marketing Try out some of your marketing ideas ACTIVITIES These are the activities for this lesson: Activity 1: Marketing Plan Activity 2: Get Feedback MARKETING You could create an awesome product […]

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Coding Conditionals in App Inventor

When you code a mobile app, you sometimes want the app to do different things, depending on what is happening in the app. For example, in the Recycle Game in Unit 5, you used an if-then-else block to add 1 to the score if the user pressed the correct button. Else, the app subtracted 1 from the score. The video below helps to […]

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Coding Conditionals in Scratch

When you code a Scratch project, you sometimes want the sprites to do different things, depending on what is happening in the project. For example, in the Recycle Game in Unit 5, you used an if-then-else block to add 1 to the score if the user moved the item onto the correct Sprite. Else, the project subtracted 1 from the score. The video […]

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Train your AI Model

Remember:Healthy predictions need healthy data! Healthy dataset Finds correctpatterns Healthy prediction! Correct actions or decisions! Do you remember what makes a healthy dataset? Lots of data Accurate Matches your problem and solution Different examples of data The right kind of data You have permission to use it IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO START TRAINING YOUR DATA! You should have gathered your data by now… […]

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Ideation 2: Brainstorming Problems

Brainstorming Problems Ideation 2 This lesson will go over brainstorming problems and help you earn points in the problem section of the Pitch Video part of the rubric. In this lesson, you will… Brainstorm problems that you’d like to solve in your community Use this worksheet to understand types of problems Key Terms Brainstorming  – […]

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Pitch 4: Edit Your Pitch Video

Edit your Pitch Video Pitch 4 This lesson can help you gain points in the “Pitch Video” and “Demo Video” lines of the judging rubric and will be one of the most important ways you communicate your idea and app solution to judges.   In this lesson, you will… Edit your videos to make it […]

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