girl at computer with woman looking over shoulder

Debugging your Code


A bug in your code means a problem or error. To debug means to get rid of the error. 
The term debugging came from Admiral Grace Hopper, a pioneer in computing. She was working on the Mark II computer at Harvard University in the 1940s and a moth got stuck in the computer and stopped it from working.
Getting rid of the moth, she said they were “debugging” the system. Programmers use the term now to mean “fixing errors in my code”. 
Grace Hopper

It’s not always easy to figure out why your code is not working.

dog looking at computer

The video below gives you some tips for how to help see what might be going on in your App Inventor project, so you can successfully debug your app so it works perfectly!

In the video below, learn some tips to help you debug your Scratch code.

girls using hardware around a laptop

Using your AI Model in an App or Project

It’s time to put your trained model to work!




Correct actions or decisions!

Which platform did you choose?

Click on the platform you trained your model with to learn more about how to add code to make your project take action! 

Tip: Choose one path and follow it. Do not do them all!

Teachable Machine just allows you to train an AI Model. There are many platforms that will allow you to use that model to make something.

  • If you are planning on making a Scratch project, we suggest RAISE AI Playground, from MIT, a version of Scratch, because it’s easy to add a Teachable Machine model .
  • If you are planning on making a mobile app, MIT App Inventor has an extension you can use to use the model in your app.

The first video shows how to use a Teachable Machine model for snap, clap, whistle sounds (Unit 5) in a Scratch project.

The next video shows you how to use a Teachable Machine image model to make a rock, paper, scissors game in App Inventor. If you need help making the model in Teachable Machine using images, this video will walk you through it. 

With models made with Machine Learning for Kids, you can make a
  • Scratch project
  • Python project
  • Or a mobile app with App Inventor

In this video, you’ll learn to take the Iris identification AI model from Unit 7, and use it in a Scratch project to display the correct iris picture based on sepal and petal measurements.

Models created with the App Inventor Personal Image Classifier or the Personal Audio Classifier can be integrated into a mobile app using MIT App Inventor. 

In this video, learn how to take your citrus identifier AI model from Unit 7, and add the model to an App Inventor project.

Now code the app so it identifies images of citrus to tell whether it’s healthy or diseased.


  • Plan what actions you want your app or Scratch project to take.
  • Have your AI model ready.
  • Import it into the platform of your choice.
  • Code!
girls at table with multiple laptops

Exploring Different Types of Mobile Apps

By now you should have a list of features for your mobile app.

And you should have drawn out what you want it to look like with your paper prototype.

Below are some different tutorials for you to follow, depending on the type of app you are building.


Look through the tutorials listed below and follow the ones that use some of the same features or components you plan to use in your app. While they might not be exactly like the app you want to make, it will give you an example to get you started.

Don't just watch the tutorial - make the app too! 

If you don’t see a tutorial below that has some of the same features you want to add to your app, there are many other ways to find help!

  1. Google “App Inventor” and whatever feature you want.  For example, you might Google “App Inventor quiz” if you wanted to make an app that tests users on a topic.
  2. Visit and look for other tutorials that might be helpful.
  3. Visit, the community forum for App Inventor users, and post a question there. Many other App Inventors visit that site and assist others that need help. 
In this tutorial, learn to add a login feature to your app. Users have to enter an username and password to register and use the app!
The CloudDB component is used to store the user information.
In this tutorial, learn to make an app that uses a map for users to locate places and find out more information.
This app uses the Map component to let users find volunteer opportunities in their area. It also uses the PhoneCall component so the users can call the organization from the app to volunteer, and the WebViewer component to display webpages in the app.
Part 1 shows you how to make the map and markers part of the app.

Part 2 shows you how to add a second screen to display the phone number and website, and allows the user to place a phone call to the organization.

In this tutorial, learn how to use CloudDB to create an app where users can message each other. This could be the start of an user forum feature in an app, and show you the basics of sharing information between users of an app.
Click on the picture below to go to the tutorial!

In these tutorials, learn how to use TinyDB to create an app where users can track their green activities from day to day. Their tracked information is stored on the mobile device so it can be updated each day.

Green Tracker tutorials

3 Videos
girls coding with mentor helping

Coding Conditionals in Scratch

When you code a Scratch project, you sometimes want the sprites to do different things, depending on what is happening in the project.
For example, in the Recycle Game in Unit 5, you used an if-then-else block to add 1 to the score if the user moved the item onto the correct Sprite. Else, the project subtracted 1 from the score.
if else block in scratch
The video below helps to explain the different types of conditional blocks, which are blocks that cause different actions depending on a condition.
The girl is using a different coding language than Scratch, so the blocks look a little different and have different colors, but the ideas are the same.

Scratch game apps are really fun and can be a great way to educate users about big problems!


Follow the video below to make a game where a diver will race against a fish to pick up plastic in the ocean.

This is what the game looks like when finished.


You made a Scratch game and learned all about conditional blocks

What ways can you improve or add to the Ocean Plastic Cleanup game?

Try adding one new feature. Here are some suggestions:

  • Test if the diver “wins” the game by getting the health of the fish to 10.  
  • Adding more plastic sprites than just the bottle.
  • Have the plastic bottle “float” through the ocean.
  • Let the fish and the diver move in both directions – right and left.

What else can you add?

three girls working at a laptop

Coding Conditionals in App Inventor

When you code a mobile app, you sometimes want the app to do different things, depending on what is happening in the app.
For example, in the Recycle Game in Unit 5, you used an if-then-else block to add 1 to the score if the user pressed the correct button. Else, the app subtracted 1 from the score.
if else block
The video below helps to explain the different types of conditional blocks, which are blocks that cause different actions depending on a condition.
The girl is using a different coding language than App Inventor, so the blocks look a little different and have different colors, but the ideas are the same.

Mobile game apps are really fun and can be a great way to educate users about big problems!


Follow the 4 videos below to make a game where a diver will race against a fish to pick up plastic in the ocean.

This is what the game looks like when finished.

Ocean Plastic Cleanup

4 Videos
Extra Information

You will learn a lot about the Canvas and ImageSprite components in the video,  but if you want to skip the video and get right to coding, you can load the template file in App Inventor.


You made a mobile app game and learned all about conditional blocks. You also got practice with making a procedure which is really useful when coding!

What ways can you improve or add to the OceanPlasticCleanup game?

Try adding one new feature – an animated plastic bottle, multiple fishes, sounds…

What else can you add?

girls working at computer

Designing and Coding with Scratch


Before you start coding, let’s learn about variables

There are times you need to keep track of different information inside your Scratch project. That is what variables are for.

You’ll be using variables in the Scratch project you will build in this lesson.


scratch cat




Click on the orange i to learn about the highlighted parts.  Click on the arrows on the left and right to learn about other parts of the Scratch platform.



Follow the video below to code the Recycle Game, or if you'd rather explore other tutorials, go to the Scratch Ideas page.
girl using phone to test app

Designing and Coding with App Inventor

There are two parts to making an app with App Inventor.  First you design what your app looks like, then you tell the app what to do by coding it.


  • Sketch it on paper first
    • Use your paper prototype
    • Have it next to you
App Inventor bee logo


Click on the orange i to learn about the highlighted parts.  Click on the arrows on the left and right to learn about other parts of the Designer.



Follow the video below to learn more about designing the Recycle Game with App Inventor

Now that you have added all the components for the app, you’ll move to the Blocks Editor to start coding the app next!


Before you start coding, let’s learn about variables. You’ll need to use them when you code the Recycle Game.

If you are making a mobile app, there are times you need to keep track of different information inside your app. That is what variables are for.


  • Open your Recycle Game project in App Inventor
  • You’ve added all your components
  • Now switch to the Blocks Editor
blocks editor button


Click on the orange i to learn about the highlighted parts.  Click on the arrows on the left and right to learn about other parts of the Blocks Editor.


Follow the video below to code the Recycle Game, or if you'd rather try other tutorials, go to the App Inventor tutorial page.
girl looking intently at laptop

Make a Scratch Project

One option for your Technovation project is to make a Scratch project to solve your problem.
Let’s get started by exploring the Scratch world and coding your first project!


With the help of your parent or mentor, follow the video below to:
  1. Sign up for a Scratch account
  2. Do the Getting Started tutorial
  3. Try 2 or 3 other tutorials


When you make a cool project, you want to make sure and save it!

Give your project a descriptive name so you’ll know what it’s about.

Then Save Now under the File menu.

To see all your projects, click on the Folder next to your username.

If you click on a project, you will see the project page, where you can run the project.

Click See inside to edit the project again.


Choose one of the problems you and your team are thinking about solving. Make a new project and tell a story about the problem with Scratch.

Be creative! How will you tell people about the problem?


Did you have fun coding in Scratch?

Excited to experiment more?

Check out the thousands of public projects on the Explore tab on the Scratch website. 



You can also make your project using OctoStudio, a version of Scratch that runs on your phone.

It works a lot like Scratch, but has been designed so you can build and run your project directly on the phone. 

two girls working at a computer



An algorithm

  • Is a set of steps to complete a task.
    • The order of the steps is important!
  • Should be easy to understand by the user.
list of 3 steps

In this video, watch as this dad teaches his kids a lesson about why algorithms must be exacteasy to understand, and in the right order.


peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • What was the algorithm the kids were writing?
  • Why did their first attempts fail?
  • How did they improve their algorithms?

Best practices: Encourage students to break down the task into small steps. Keep them excited by reminding them that this is the first step to coding. 

Optional activity: Do the Peanut Butter and Jam activity with your students!

More background: European schools experimented with ways to teach computer science to young young kids (4-5 years old) but it’s a really fun activity to do with anyone!

They wanted to illustrate that computers are not smart. They are just very fast (and dumb) machines that do whatever we program to tell them to do. They did this by acting like computers and the kids “programmed” the computers/teacher to make a PB&J. This is quite hilarious if done correctly because the goal is to take the commands as literally as possible. If the students first step is “Spread the peanut butter on the bread” then teachers/computers will not do the obvious things first they will do the literal thing which would probably be to spread peanut butter all over the ENTIRE loaf of bread (since the student didn’t specify just one piece of toast).

There is an example video here with more instructions and information. 

Guiding Questions to ask students: Are there any other games that need an algorithm to play them? Think about any of those Diner games where you have to make people’s orders. First you cook the meat, chop the veggies and then put it all together on a plate! Like Overcooked! Are there any other real life games that use an algorithm? What about a rubik’s cube? You repeat certain patterns until the squares are moved where you want them, that’s an algorithm!

Mentor tips are provided by support from AmeriCorps.

stylized A, AmeriCorps logo in navy


Computers cannot make decisions on their own!
Just because you understand what you are saying, does not mean the computer does!


Computers don’t understand human languages.
Special programming languages translate human steps so the computer can understand.


Follow the directions in the worksheet

Stop and Discuss

How did the activity go?

  • Did your partner draw the shape correctly?
  • What worked?
  • What didn’t work?
two girls talking

If your partner didn’t get it right, try fixing your algorithm so they can follow the steps!


  • Be exact!
  • Put things in the right order, called a sequence
  • The computer can only do what you tell it to do!