Market 2: Creating Visuals and a Logo

Market 2 Creating Visuals and a Logo Color Activity: Choose a Color Color Schemes Activity: Choose a Color Scheme Fonts Activity: Choose a Font Logos Activity: Brainstorm a Logo Apply Reflect Bonus: Color for Programmers Learning Objectives: In this module, you will… Learn about logos, fonts and color schemes Choose a color scheme and fonts […]

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Coding 2: Algorithms and Pseudocode

Algorithms and Pseudocode Coding 2 Completing this lesson helps you to earn points in the Demo Video section of the rubric by… Learning what algorithms are Coding your first app in App Inventor or Thunkable Key Terms Algorithm  – step by step instructions that explain how to do something Pseudocode –  writing out an algorithm […]

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Coding 14: Debugging Tips in App Inventor and Thunkable

Debugging Tips in App Inventor and Thunkable Coding 14 In this lesson, you will… Learn tips for debugging your code in App Inventor and Thunkable Key Terms Debugging – the process coders use to figure out why their code isn’t working and fix it Test data – a simpler set of data that you can […]

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Kenyan Girls Use Technology to Combat Genital Cutting

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIF. —  “It’s still fresh in my mind, the scene of female genital mutilation,” said Purity Achieng, a 17-year-old from Kenya. Achieng was speaking on stage in the finals of the Technovation Challenge World Pitch Summit, a competition that invites girls from around the world to come up with tech solutions to local […]

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Entrepreneurship 3: Colors Schemes

Color Schemes Entrepreneurship 3 This optional lesson will help you learn about color schemes to help with branding your product. In this lesson, you will… Choose a color scheme to represent and reflect your brand Key Terms Color Scheme – a combination of colors that are used together Translations of this Lesson Expand Deutsche Español […]

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