Coding Conditionals in Scratch

When you code a Scratch project, you sometimes want the sprites to do different things, depending on what is happening in the project. For example, in the Recycle Game in Unit 5, you used an if-then-else block to add 1 to the score if the user moved the item onto the correct Sprite. Else, the project subtracted 1 from the score. The video […]

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Artificial Intelligence 1: All About AI

All About AI Artificial Intelligence 1 This lesson will help you earn points in the technology section of the Demo video part of the rubric. In this lesson, you will… Learn how artificial intelligence works Key Terms and Concepts Artificial intelligence (AI) – machines/programming that can do tasks normally thought to be done only by […]

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App Examples using Thunkable

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL … Experiment with app examples that align with your solution idea ACTIVITIES These are the activities for this lesson: Activity: Complete a Tutorial DIVE DEEPER You are at a point now that you want to start coding your app. Maybe you already have started! Or perhaps you’re not quite sure […]

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Google CEO promised Almaty schoolgirls to open office in Kazakhstan

ASTANA. KAZINFORM The schoolgirls from Almaty, who won the Technovation Challenge in the Silicon Valley, have returned to Kazakhstan. The correspondent of MIA Kazinform interviewed the team members about the meeting with the Chief Executive Officer of Google Inc., Sundar Pichai. As the US Consulate General in Almaty reported earlier, 6 teams from various countries […]

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SDG 14 Introduction

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL … Discover resources to help you explore SDG issues Figure out which ocean issue to solve for your community ACTIVITIES Brainstorming WHAT IS SDG 14 ALL ABOUT? Even if you don’t live near the ocean, your community is impacted by SDG 14 (Life Below Water) issues. Here are some big […]

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SDG 12 Power Solutions

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL … Learn how you might solve it with some power solutions Get ideas and templates to take your solutions to the next level ACTIVITIES There are no activities in this lesson. SDG 12 POWER SOLUTION Let’s follow the journey of Ana and Zhibek, two Technovation alumnae who created an app […]

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SDG 12 Introduction

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL … Get help solving an important climate issue around consumption or production Figure out which part of the consumption or production problem you can solve in your community ACTIVITIES Brainstorming WHAT IS SDG 12 ALL ABOUT? Every community is impacted by SDG 12 issues. Here are some big ones you […]

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