Find Patterns with AI

  • Train a machine learning model to predict something

These are the activities for this lesson:


Recall that Articifical Intelligence, specifically Machine Learning, has 3 main parts.


Find Patterns

Make Prediction

In this lesson, we’re going to focus on the second part, Find Patterns, by training our own AI model that will be able to make a prediction.

There are many free online platforms where you can train an AI model, using supervised learning. 

Supervised learning is just as it sounds – you supervise how the model learns by telling it the correct answer.

For example, say you want an AI model to tell if a picture is a dog or a cat.

dog's face
cat's face

Your dataset will be lots and lots of pictures of dogs and cats.

You will help train the model by telling it which pictures are dogs and which are cats


Your model will predict, or classify something. Often these models are called classification models, for that reason. 

First steps:

  1. What you are classifying? Are they images, text, sounds? This is your data type.
  2. What are the different possible classifications?  For example, dogs and cats. These are your classes. They are also sometimes referred to as labels.
  3. Gather the appropriate data to train your model. Find lots and lots of varied data to represent each class. For example, lots and lots of pictures of different types of dogs and cats!
Teachable Machine screenshot training dogs and cats


There are many free and open source platforms available to create AI classification models. 

We have curated a list of programs and platforms where you can:

  • build your model to make a prediction
  • then use your model in a mobile or web app to perform an action based on the prediction

Here is a quick overview of what each platform can classify and integrate with.

Platform Classification Types Technovation Integration
Teachable Machine by Google images, sounds, poses App Inventor, Python, other integrations possible
MachineLearningForKids images, sounds, text, numbers Python, App Inventor
MIT App Inventor images, sounds, poses App Inventor
Ximilar images Thunkable, App Inventor, wep apps, using APIs


Estimated time: 30 minutes

Build a Rock, Paper Scissors model

Follow the worksheet to use Google's Teachable Machine platform to build a machine learning model to recognize hand signs of rock, paper and scissors.

Then see your model in action with a simple pre-built javascript interaction.
Open worksheet


You’ve made your first AI model! This should give you a glimpse into the process for making an AI model. All the model creation platforms work in a similar way, although the interfaces may differ slightly.

reflection in building
Was your model successful in detecting rock, paper or scissors?
Was it made with a "good" dataset?
How could you make the dataset better?
If a friend or person in a different location from you used your model and project, would it perform as well? Why or why not?


  • AI (or machine learning) Model – artificial intelligence that is trained on a dataset to recognize patterns to predict or classify something
  • Supervised Learning – machine learning where a model is trained by telling it correct or incorrect result
  • Class – a label that is provided to an AI model so it learns how to classify inputs by its class


If you want to learn more about artificial intelligence and machine learning, here is a great playlist from Daniel Schiffman of New York University