Start Technovation Roadmap
A Guide To Bring Technovation to Your Community
Determine Your Structure
Technovation is a highly flexible program that looks different depending on the context. Think through how to structure your meetings to leverage your people, resources, and existing infrastructure to fit the program to your community.
Here are some guiding questions :
➤ How many students do you anticipate will participate?
➤ How many mentors will support the students?
👉 Some programs have one lead Mentor who guides all the teams; other programs assign a different mentor to each team. Or you can do both
➤ Will your program meet at a single or multiple sites? In Person or virtually?
➤ Will all teams meet at the same time, or will teams meet separately with their mentors at different times ?
👉 Your meeting space should be equipped with internet and at leat 1 device per team (laptops, chromebooks, and tablets all work great!)
➤ Who will lead the content?
👉 Depending on the age and experience of the students, the content may be more student-driven or more mentor-driven.
➤ Will you host any special events or workshops?
👉 You might consider having a launch events, coding workshop, end of season showcase, etc.
➤ How frequently will you run meetings or workshops for your participants?
➤ How long will meetings last ?
➤ For how many weeks total will your program run ?
➤ How many students do you anticipate will participate?
➤ How many mentors will support the students?
👉 Some programs have One Lead Mentor who guides all the teams; other programs assign a different mentor to each team. Or you can do both!.
➤ Will your program meet at a single or multiple sites? In Person or virtually?
➤ Will all teams meet at the same time, or will teams meet separately with their mentors at different times?
👉 Your meeting space should be equipped with internet and at leat 1 device per team (laptops, chromebooks, and tablets all work great!)
➤ Who will lead the "Content"?
👉 The age and experience of the students will inform how student-driven the meetings are and what content is led by the mentor(s)
➤ Will you host any special events or workshops?
👉 You might consider having a launch events, coding workshop, end of season showcase, etc.
➤ How many students do you anticipate will participate?
➤ How many mentors will support the students?
👉 Some programs have One Lead Mentor who guides all the teams; other programs assign a different mentor to each team. Or you can do both!.
Here are some examples of successful program models that we’ve seen among our partners:

All teams meet together with one lead mentor who facilitates every session

All teams meet together with a mentor assigned to each team
(Note: it’s often still helpful to have a lead mentor to facilitate the times)

Teams meet separately with their mentors in different locations