SDG 3 Power Solutions

  • See some existing solutions to inspire you
  • Get ideas and templates to take your solutions to the next level


Ananya Grover is a Technovationi alumna who has recently created her own startup company to launch her app, HealCycle. Let’s learn more about her.

Ananya Grover

Ananya recently graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Computer Science with honors, along with certificates in Cognitive Science, Technology and Society, and Creative Writing. Currently, She is currently working on HealCycle with a mission of improving care for women with premenstrual mood disorders, funded by Princeton’s Henry Richardson Labouisse ‘26 Fellowship and an Output/ReachOut Grant.

Previously, Ananya interned at Apple and at the German Aerospace Center, headed web development at The Daily Princetonian, and led IgniteSTEM, a non-profit transforming K-12 STEM education.

Ananya participated in Technovation in 2019 and her team was a finalist for their app, Maitri, which allows children at orphanages to spend time with senior citizens in old-age homes, thus improving their social and mental well-being. 

And now Ananya is on a new entrepreneurship journey with her app, HealCycle. Learn more about her story below. Click on each question to hear Ananya’s answer.


Here are a few more solutions to spark ideas for you for SDG 3. Click each tab to see some possible features and what coding components you could use to build a similar app.


This health education app increases health literacy for users. 
Click on each image below to see a possible feature and how you might implement it.

face with sound icon
Voice-activated assistant providing health information in multiple languages
You can use the SpeechRecognize and TextToSpeech components as the interface, and a Translator, component to provide the information in the desired language. Information can be provided using a set of health APIs or possibly a trained chatbot.
augmented reality on phone
Use of Augmented Reality to demonstrate basic medical procedures
You could use an API to provide the augmented reality feature. You can also code the AR feature in Unity or javascript and then implement it in the app with a WebViewer component.
global map
Uses location information to provide specific health information
You can use a Location Sensor to detect location of user, and then provide that to an AI chatbot to tailor the content based on health challenges in that region.
question mark
Provide simulated emergency situations and quiz the user on correct action to take
You can use Images or Videos to provide the scenario. Then a simple RadioButton to allow the user to choose an action. You can gamify this with a leaderboard and badges.


This app would be a way for users to manage their medications, through reminders, information, and communication with healthcare providers.
Click on each image below to see a possible feature and how you might implement it.

prescription bottles
Image recognition to identify pills and prescription
You can use the Camera to take a picture of medications and use an AI model to identify that it is the correct pill. You can also cross-check with prescription by scanning the prescription bottle and using an optical character reader API.
face with sound icon
Voice notifications to take medications
You can store the medication schedule in a local database like TinyDB and then use TexToSpeech to speak the reminders to the user, based on times using the Clock component.
Provide secure data sharing with medical providers
Automatic Texting or using a cloud database to store information on medication habits.
database icon
Automatically check medications for potential conflicts or side effect
You can use a cloud database or Web API of medications to search for any drug interactions that can be harmful as a double check. Provide Notifications as warnings to users of potential issues.


This could be a community health dashboard for local people to learn and share with each other.
Click on each image below to see a possible feature and how you might implement it.

Push notifications for vaccination drives, health clinics, emergency alerts
You can use the Clock, Alert, and/or Push Notification to let users know upcoming events or alerts.
street map
Crowdsource health data in the community to identify issues
Use a cloud database to store the information, and then a Map component with Markers to display areas of concern. Users can post updates using TextBoxes and Buttons.
film with images
Provide interactive videos on health topics
Using Videos or WebViewer components, allow users to learn more about topics like first aid, nutrition, hygiene, etc. Users can search for topics using a TextBox.
winner's podium
Gamify health initiatives to encourage community engagement
You can promote health challenges using Labels, Images, Buttons. Engage users by displaying leaderboards, storing the information in a cloud database.