Award Structure

Award Structure

Judging and Results Selection Process

This graphic explains the judging process for Technovation Girls that all teams experience.

Teams can be judged online or in-person at Regional Pitch Events for the first round of judging, but semifinalists are all judged online.

The final round of judging will be held in-person in California at World Summit.

Keep scrolling for more information about specific awards and prizes.

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Judges will select 15 finalist teams from around the world.  

All Finalist teams are invited to attend Technovation's World Summit in person. Finalist teams will receive more information about the event after the Global Celebration.


Finalist teams will receive a $500/person educational stipend (unrestricted, to be used to further the individual’s learning at their own discretion).


At our global World Summit event, judges will select 3 Grand Prize Winners for Technovation Girls—one from each division. 

  • Each member of a Grand Prize winning team will receive a $750/person educational stipend (unrestricted, to be used to further the individual’s learning at their own discretion).

    Note: This takes the place of the $500/person stipend to finalist teams. The 3 Grand Prize Winner teams will receive $750/person stipends, and the remaining 12 Finalist teams will receive $500/person stipends.  

Additionally, Technology and Social Impact special recognition will be given to teams in each division. There is no additional monetary prize for these awards.



In 2024 we will select 15 Regional Winners for Technovation Girls.

There will be Senior, Junior, and Beginner Division Winners for each of these 5 regions: Africa, Asia & Oceania, Europe, North America, and Latin America. 

Each member of a Regional Winner team will receive $250 to use as an educational stipend. 



 For the 2023-2024 season, Technovation will give two additional special prizes.

The Climate Prize will recognize a team tackling climate change and the Combating Hunger Prize will recognize a team addressing hunger or food insecurity. Both prizes will be awarded at World Summit!

All teams who submit will be eligible to receive these prizes — teams do not need to be Regional Winners or Finalists to qualify.

With help from generous Technovation supporters each prize will also include a cash prize.


Technovation will award $500 per student team member  to the winners of the Climate Prize.

The award will go to a team whose project meets the following criteria:

  • Their project clearly addresses a specific local issue related to climate change. The prize is meant to award teams thinking realistically and practically about climate change's effects on their immediate community.
  • Their project makes a clear argument for driving actual behavior change. The judges will be looking for apps that help users make informed decisions and take concrete actions to mitigate climate change, and apps that go beyond simply raising awareness.
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Technovation will award $500 per student team member to the winners of the Combating Hunger Prize.

The award will go to a team developing a solution to reduce hunger or food insecurity in their community (or beyond!).

This prize recognizes teams addressing SDG 2, which aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.

Alumnae Award

Alumna Changemaker Award

The 2024 Technovation Alumna Changemaker Award will recognize an alumna who has used AI to address a problem related to one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the past year.