

Change the world with technology 

Join Technovation Girls and harness the power of coding and AI to solve a problem that matters to YOU.

  • Team up with friends to solve a real problem
  • Learn how to code an app and train AI modelsand use AI tools to build an app
  • Learn how to build a business plan & pitch your ideas
  • Submit your project to a global competition

The Technovation Girls competition is free and open to all girls as well as nonbinary, gender-fluid, and transgender participants who want to be part of a female-identified environment. Technovation Girls is open to participants ages 8-18.

What you'll do in Technovation Girls

During the Technovation Girls season (October - May), you will work with a team of peers to build a technology-based solution to a community problem. 

What you'll make:

A mobile or web app

You'll build an app that helps address a problem in your community. You will submit the code and any AI training data or work you did for your project as part of your submission.

Pitch Video

This short video will introduce your project, the problem it solves, and why it's the best solution.

Business Plan or User Adoption Plan

This document describes how you will bring your product to the market, and/or how you have incorporated user feedback to improve your project and acquire new users.
Senior Division/Junior Division teams only 

Technical Video

This short video will show how your project works, explain how you coded it, how you integrated AI, and discuss user feedback and future features.

Find a detailed list of what you'll need to submit on the Submission Guidelines page.

What you'll learn:

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Our curriculum will teach you the basics of coding through tools like Scratch, MIT App Inventor, and Thunkable, but if you want to, you can build your project using other languages, like swift or java or python

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Artificial Intelligence

You'll learn about artificial intelligence—what it is, how it works, where it's used, and even how to build it. You'll learn how you can leverage powerful AI tools to amplify the impact of your project … and ethical questions to ask yourself before you do.

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You'll learn what it takes to start a business, which includes things like competitor research, user testing, marketing, and pitching an idea to potential investors.

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Collaboration & Leadership

Working in a team means a lot of practicing skills like collaboration, communication, and problem-solving. And because you are actively solving a problem in your community, you develop your leadership skills too.

Are you up for the challenge?

Let's get started.

Registration for students and mentors closes on March 17, 2025.
However, we strongly encourage everyone to register by the end of January so you have time to complete your projects.

How it Works: A step-by-step breakdown

Sign Up

Everything starts by signing up for the program. You can register right now online or you can see if there is a local Chapter or Club nearby and get the contact information of the local Ambassador(s) who can help you get involved.

When: October 11, 2024 - March 17, 2025.  

Form a team

You can work with friends, classmates, neighbors, or even girls in a different country! Teams can have 1 to 5 members. You form your team on the platform (there will be instructions on how to do this once you sign up).

When: October 11, 2024 - March 17, 2025.

Find a Mentor

You can reach out to an adult you trust and ask them to be your mentor (they'll have to register too), or you can find a mentor using the search tools on the Technovation Girls platform.

When: October 2024 - March 2025.  

Start your project!

When you're registered and have your team, you can start working on your project. The Curriculum will guide you through every step of the process, but your mentor and/or ambassador can give you some extra support.

No matter how you go through the curriculum, the process starts with identifying a real-world problem you want to solve.

When: October - January
We recommend starting your project by late January at the latest. 

Build your project!

Keep working, learning, failing, and trying!
Technovation Girls is a challenging program–but we know you're up for the challenge. There will be set-backs, disagreements, bad code, and tech issues. But with the support of your mentor, your ambassador and your local community you'll make it through! And at the end you'll have an inspiring project to share with your community.

When: October - April

Submit: May 5, 2025

To enter the global competition, you must submit your project by May 5, 2024.

If there's one happening near you, you can participate in an optional Regional Pitch or Regional Celebration Event where you and all your fellow teams will share your projects with each other and celebrate all your hard work.

When: May 5, 2025

Celebration, Judging & Season Results

While we all celebrate everyone's hard work, Technovation Judges evaluate projects, scoring them according to a standardized rubric. These scores determine which teams advance to semifinals, and then finals. 

You'll hear more about this stage after you submit your project.

When: May - July 2024.

Resources for Students

All of the Technovation Girls curriculum and materials are free and available online, so they're accessible to everyone. Here are some of the top resources that will help get you across the finish line this season.

The Curriculum 

The Technovation Girls Curriculum is full of resources to help you successfully build a mobile app, web app, or AI-powered tool.

  • Each unit of the curriculum tells you what you'll learn by completing it. While we recommend going through the entire curriculum you can just look for units about topics you're interested in.
  • You can also search the curriculum for keywords like "loops and conditionals" or filter lessons by topics like "Artificial Intelligence" or "Marketing" to find information more quickly

Competition Details

Review important information about the Technovation Girls competition, including rules, eligibility requirements, a list of what every team must submit, and sample judging rubrics.

Note: You can use the curriculum without submitting to the competition! We consider every girl who participates in Technovation Girls an innovator and leader, no matter how far they make it through the competition.

Adults and Experts

There are so many volunteers who want to help you succeed!

  • Mentors are adults with professional experience who can help you with things like planning your project, managing your time, navigating conflict, and where to find answers to tough questions. Learn more about finding a mentor.
  • Coaches can help you with specific questions or answers. You can book a one hour session with a coach, tell them what you need help with, and then you'll work through it together on a virtual meeting. (Reminder: we expect both students and coaches to prepare for these calls!) Schedule time with a Coach.

Additional Resources and Recordings

Do you have a question? We've probably got a video about it. 

  • If you feel like you might be the only Technovation team struggling, or wish you could speed-run participating to know what happens during a season, check out our Video Diaries, where teams documented their journeys from start to finish. Remember—you're not doing this alone!