SDG 12 Power Solutions

  • Learn how you might solve it with some power solutions
  • Get ideas and templates to take your solutions to the next level

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Let’s follow the journey of Ana and Zhibek, two Technovation alumnae who created an app called Option A, around the problem of fast fashion and SDG 12.

Ana B.

Hello! My name is Ana, and I am a second-year computer science student at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. I have been working with Technovation since I participated in the competition in 2017 as a mentor, and now an app developer and a Global Leadership Panelist. My development team and I have developed an Option A app to encourage responsible consumption within my generation.

I am Zhibek Askar, a senior finalist of the Technovation Challenge 2017 driven and inspired by great ideas and people, originally based in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and later on pursued studying abroad and moved to Toronto, Canada, after high school in 2018. As a new grad with a computer science background, I am dedicating myself to various projects and works, including art studies, support of international students in Canada (currently a Vice President of KSA Toronto), development of ‘Option A’ responsible consumption app. I am looking forward to new experiences and opportunities.

Zhibek A.

Option A Pitch

Click on the tabs below to learn about each part of the process Ana and Zhibek used to create their app, called Option A.

Ana and Zhibek both live in Canada, but not near each other, so they collaborated online.

Notion logo

For brainstorming and project notes, they used Notion.

Canva logo

For designing their app, they used Canva.

Thunkable beaver logo

For coding their app, they used Thunkable.

The target market is us, GEN Z. 

Click on the blue tabs to see more about the thought process.

  • We earn money so we can splurge
  • We want to see dopamine
  • See the prizes and results
  • Allow yourself to be in the moment
  • We deserve it!
  • Endorphins while checking out
  • Shipping at your door
  • It’s a lifestyle
  • It’s a problem much deeper than we think because we are literally getting trained to like that lifestyle
  • Capitalism
  • I see I like it I want it i got it
  • Trends encourage you to splurge
  • The trend is to splurge
  • Encouraging consumption…
  • Always looking for excuses to buy…
  • buy, buy, buy
  • how do we get rid??
depot logo
Depop - online and in-store marketplace
Buy and sell luxury fashion platform
bunz logo
Trading app
good on you logo
Good on You - sustainability rating app
App design using Canva

Listen to Ana and Zhibek talk about different aspects of their project.
Click on each question to hear what they have to say.


To see how Ana and Zhibek built the video display part of their app, or to see some other power app tutorials from Technovation alumnae, click the button below.

We also have added a tutorial on how you can add AI to an app to solve SDG 12, so click the button to learn more!

Otherwise, keep reading below for some other possible app ideas for SDG 12 solutions.


Here are a few more solutions to spark ideas for you for SDG 12. Click each tab to see some possible features and what coding components you could use to build a similar app.


Click on each image below to see a possible feature and how you might implement it.

Helps you choose the best spot to grow food on your land.
You could use an API from a website such as Suncalc so you can track the sun in your yard throughout the day.
Helps you plan and lay out your garden plots.
You can use the Camera, Canvas and drawing components to allow users to overlay a picture of their land and draw garden plans over it.
globe with locaton pin
Based on your location, the app will tell you what to grow, when to plant, when to harvest, etc.
You can use the Map and Location Sensor components, and either an API, or cloud database to look up the information to be reported.
Take a picture of a fruit/vegetable and the app will tell you if it’s ready to be picked.
You can train a machine learning model for vegetables in various stages of growth and predict if a vegetable is ready to be picked.


Click on each image below to see a possible feature and how you might implement it.

information icon
Provide tips for reducing your waste.
You could use a Video component to show Youtube tip videos, or just use Labels to provide text-based information to users.
Locate bulk buying stores near you on a map.
You can use the Map component and Location Sensor, along with a spreadsheet of bulk stores to display markers for the user to locate.
winner's podium
Users can win badges and earn points for the least amount of waste.
You can use cloud storage to track multiple users of the app. You can provide a leaderboard where users can compete against each other.
image stack
Users can share pictures with each other to promote their zero waste and inspire others.
You can use the Camera and cloud storage so users of the app can post their own pictures.


Click on each image below to see a possible feature and how you might implement it.

Shows all farmers markets within your vicinity, based on your location.
You can use the Map component and Location Sensor to display farmers markets in the area.
information icon
Show details for each market – schedule and vendors.
You can use cloud storage to store the information for the markets, then display it in a popup with a Map Marker.
Push notifications to users to remind them of upcoming markets.
You can use the Clock, Alert, and/or Push Notification to let users know of upcoming markets.
Provide coupons and special offers from farmers to users of the app.
You can use user signin so vendors can post specials to the app. Users can then view and use specials that are being offered through Images, Barcodes , or Labels.


Ana and Zhibek have some final advice for you!