Code 5 Challenge
Paper Prototype
Build your Paper Prototype
Design your app by creating a paper prototype. Paper prototyping is a fast process, enabling you to test multiple designs, gather feedback, and make improvements.
What you will need:
- Printouts of the Mobile Sketching Template
- Markers
- Stickers
- Glue
- Scissors
- Tape
- Magazines
What you will do:
- As a team, sketch each screen of your app. Put your ideas down as they come and try not to judge them yet. You can question them later! As you do this, you may want to consider:
- What would the first screen look like?
- Will it have a logo? (Hint: Take a look at your favorite apps for inspiration)
- What is the color scheme going to be?
- What happens if you click on a button to get to the next screen?
- What will each screen look like?
- How will the user navigate the different screens?
- Can you show with arrows how this would happen?
- What would the first screen look like?
- Here is an example of a paper prototype. Notice the way the stickers are used to show where users can click on buttons? Also, it looks like in some cases there are sketches underneath, which would possibly be the next screen a user gets taken to once a button is clicked.
MVP reminder: What is the smallest most concise set of functions you can deliver to help your users meet your goal?
- Once you have a working prototype, create a run through of how the user would navigate the app. You can take pictures as shown in the video above and create a .gif or video. Then you can bring this to the stakeholders you interviewed, test it with them, and get their feedback.
- We recommend that you save your paper prototype because you may need to refer back to it as your work through building your app. Make sure to leave it in a safe space so you don't lose it, or ask one of your team members to be responsible for it.
Test and Collect User Feedback
Now that you have a paper prototype, it’s time to share it for feedback! Remember the stakeholders who you interviewed? You will find out if the app meets their needs and expectations.
Here is a fun User Interface Design: Paper Prototyping Study video that you can watch for inspiration. Though it is a prototype for an iPhone in the video, the idea is similar for Androids. Notice how there is narration that goes along with it about the user experience?
What you will need:
- Your sketches
- Printouts of the User Testing Worksheet
- A camera, laptop, or phone which can shoot video
What you will do:
- Rehearse! Run through different scenarios before you meet with your stakeholders, and practice the presentation of your prototype. Refine it if you think it can be better.
- If you want to create a video demo, you can do that instead. It might be good practice for the demo video you will create later to submit to the Technovation Challenge!
- Check in with your mentor and share what you plan to show your stakeholders. Ask for feedback and incorporate it. [Mentor Check In: Review the video or the live demo and let your team know whether there is anything missing from the demo, or if you have suggestions for improvement before the team shares it with stakeholders for their initial feedback]
- Bring either your paper prototype or your video to your stakeholders, and ask them for their feedback. What worked well, what can be improved in their view?
- Ask them questions that are in the User Testing Worksheet - for example, was anything was unclear in the user interface, and what features have the highest value? Write down the responses.
- A reminder to be gracious when receiving any feedback, including negative feedback. This is your chance to make your app better! If you have clarifying questions, you can ask them. Keep in mind that their feedback is about the app, and not about you personally!
- Send a thank you note to your testers and let them know you would be interested in meeting up with them again to test your digital prototype when it is ready
- Consider asking your peers and your mentor to complete the User Testing Worksheet as well!